Test Call Configuration Examples

Below are a few examples of test call configurations.

Single Test Call Scenario: This example describes the configuration of a simple test call scenario that includes a single test call between a simulated test endpoint on the device and a remote endpoint.

Test Call Rules table configuration:
Endpoint URI: "101"
Called URI: "201"
Route By: Dest Address
Destination Address: ""
SIP Interface: SIPInterface_0
Call Party: Caller
Test Mode: Once
Batch Test Call Scenario: This example describes the configuration of a batch test call setup for scheduled and continuous call testing of multiple endpoints. The test call is done between two AudioCodes devices - Device A and Device B - with simulated test endpoints. This eliminates the need for phone users, who would otherwise need to answer and end calls many times for batch testing. The calls are initiated from Device A, where Device B serves as the remote answering endpoint.

Test Call Rules table configuration at Device A:
Endpoint URI: "101"
Called URI: "201"
Route By: Dest Address
Destination Address: ""
SIP Interface: SIPInterface_0
Call Party: Caller
Maximum Channels for Session: "3" (configures three endpoints - "101", "102" and "103)
Call Duration: "5" (seconds)
Calls per Sec: "1"
Test Mode: Continuous
Test Duration: "3" (minutes)
Schedule Interval: "180" (minutes)
Test Call Rules table configuration at Device B:
Endpoint URI: "201"
Maximum Channels for Session: "3" (configures three endpoints - "201", "202" and "203)
Registration Test Call Scenario: This example describes the configuration for testing the registration and authentication (i.e., username and pas,sword) process of a simulated test endpoint on the device with an external proxy/registrar server. This is useful, for example, for verifying that endpoints located in the LAN can register with an external proxy and subsequently, communicate with one another.

This example assumes that you have configured your device for communication between LAN phone users such as IP Groups to represent the device ( and the proxy server, and IP-to-IP routing rules to route calls between these IP Groups.

Test Call Rules table configuration:
Endpoint URI: "101"
Called URI: "itsp"
Route By: Dest Address
Destination Address: "" (this is the IP address of the device itself)
SIP Interface: SIPInterface_0
Auto Register: Enable
User Name: "testuser"
Password: "12345"
Call Party: Caller